Wednesday, January 21, 2015

First grade had a special visit from a local Chicago author, Natasha Tarpley. Ms. Tarpley was kind enough to come share her books and teach us more about the writing process.

Her children books include, I Love My Hair, Bippity Bop Barbershop, Destinys Gift, Joe Joe's First Flight and her newest book, Princess Tiana and the Royal Ball.

We've read, I love My Hair and Bippity Bop Barbershop. Ask your child to tell you about the stories and how Ms. Tarpley develops writing ideas. 

Where do you get your writing ideas from???

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How-To Books

We recently started making How-To books. Use this chart at home to create more How-To books. Help your child brainstorm ideas and give clear directions. Bring to school any How-To books you make and we will share them with the class.

Here are some of the How-To books being created in room 103

After we write our How-To book, we  recheck our directions with a partner to make sure they are clear, detailed and make sense.

 Once we've practiced our How-To directions we make any revisions using sticky notes.